Economy and Scale

Your mission begins with an idea.  If your idea serves customers in a bricks and mortar way, you must understand how the principles of economy and scale are linked (clue: the answer is DEEPLY).  Economy and scale are two segments of the tightrope that connects the beginning to the win for your movement.  You cannot get there any other way. 

Economy means honoring the investment in each location in order to scale your movement to the point of thriving.  Overinvesting can limit the number of locations, thus slowing progress, dragging out the hustle and grind stage.  Underinvesting can be even worse though.  With too few resources the image, experience or function can be compromised to the point of nullifying the build investment, and sometimes the entire brand.   Not too much, not too little, think Goldilocks here.

So, what of scale then?  Why is it important?  Scale is freedom, it is a return for shareholders, it is being able to delegate, to touch people, to do what you set out to do.  It is victory.

Go get your Goldilocks on.  Make sure your design and build are just right.


In Your Corner